"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13
Friday, January 20, 2012
God is good. All the time.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
It's almost time!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Update from Alicia
Just skyped with Mary, Lee and the boys!!! Wow, God is so faithful. Keep praying but the difference in just a week is amazing. David is getting better, he is much less fearful and is taking some steps on his own. Mary says he eats more than she does!!! He is already showing less external signs of being malnourished, like his hair is becoming less brittle already. Daniel is smart and a...ctive and is struggling with so much new found freedom. Mary and Lee have been advised to shrink their world and to limit big stimulation and give them time to slowly adjust. Mary and lee are showing signs of exhaustion and Mary is getting sick. Please continue to pray for them, it is obviously working!!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
More about Daniel & David
A New Update from China!!
We're in Guangzhou finally. We had an exceptionally smooth week of bonding with our children in Taiyuan, but it was difficult due to a language barrier and the city was not really set up for westerners at all. Overall, it was where we got our children and what could be better than that. Our boys are true blessings to us. The Lord has truly given us the perfect two children. They are our boys and we are their Mama and Baba (daddy in chinese). Daniel and David both help each other feel comfortable and they already love each other.
The flight to Guangzhou overall went great. Both Daniel and David did very well and we were thankful that they had a good experience. The trip through the airport was chaotic with two children, two carry-ons, two backpacks, and miscellaneous other items that always seemed to cause problems at inopportune times. Daniel got through security first while Mary Ellen was still being wanded by the Chinese version of TSA agents which made us nervous, but he stood there and waited for us. We had a fairly long wait in the terminal and it was burning up hot in there. We had jackets and thermals on since it was below freezing in Taiyuan so they made that wait uncomfortable but the boys both did great. Once we got on the airplane it was pretty smooth. Daniel slept most of the way and David ate his meal and gnawed on a couple of rolls for the rest of the flight. We definitely learned some valuable lessons for the long ride home at the end of this week.
We are glad to finally be in Guangzhou with Zhou and the other families from our agency. The area where we are is beautiful and it is great to share and take in the experiences of all the other people in our group. This really is a fantastic group of people that we are with. We have had a lot of opportunities to get out of the hotel and let our boys have some new experiences and meet other people. Zhou has been a Godsend to give us an extra hand when we need it and to help us communicate with Daniel especially. He is a wonderful man who loves what he does and loves the families that he brings over here. He makes it almost as easy as being at home because he takes care of so much for us. Whatever we ask of him he always goes above and beyond. Most of the time before we even ask.
We are beginning to figure out the nuances of each of the boys and helping them realize how their situation has changed. They are very smart and they are learning that we will care for them always and we will do our best to protect them and provide for all of their needs just as Our Heavenly Father cares for, protects, and provides for us. This really has been an incredible journey and we are so very thankful that our children are no longer orphans. They are ours and no one and nothing will ever change that.
Here are some more pictures. Some of them are of the other children that are going home for the first time this week also. Hope that you enjoy.
Lee and Mary